The YGA ADR Forum is Pakistan’s first youth-led ADR forum, aiming to encourage the use of ADR to enhance access to justice through alternative methods that do not involve the courts. This forum aims to promote the use of ADR among the youth, fostering a culture of peaceful conflict resolution.
Our vision is to create a society where young individuals are champions of ADR, utilizing alternative methods to resolve disputes efficiently and amicably. We strive to integrate ADR practices into the fabric of our legal system, making justice more accessible to all.
We believe that youth have the potential to revolutionize the justice system by embracing ADR methods. By empowering them with the knowledge and skills of ADR, we aim to reduce the burden on courts and promote a culture of peaceful conflict resolution.
The YGA ADR Forum focuses on providing a platform for young individuals to learn about and practice ADR methods such as mediation, arbitration, and negotiation. Our aim is to empower the youth to become skilled ADR practitioners who can contribute to a more efficient and just legal system.
- Promote awareness and understanding of ADR among youth.
- Offer practical courses on mediation, arbitration, and negotiation, including certification programs for young professionals.
- Organize moot ADR competitions, mediation workshops, and seminars on dispute resolution in diverse contexts.
- Advocate for the integration of ADR into the legal system.
- Encourage the use of ADR to enhance access to justice.
- Conduct research on the effectiveness of ADR mechanisms in resolving conflicts and publish findings that contribute to legal and business discourse.
Core Areas of Operation:
- ADR Training and Certification
- Online Dispute Resolution
- Advocacy and Awareness for ADR Integration
- ADR Ombudsman Services
- ADR Research