
December 18, 2024 - In YGA Main

YGA Guidebook

Table of Contents

  1. Chapter 1: Youth General Assembly (YGA)
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Vision
    1.3 Belief
    1.4 Aim
    1.5 Objectives
    1.6 Core Areas of Operation
  2. Chapter 2: YGA Forums and Projects
    2.1 YGA Forums
    1. YGA Legal Forum
    2. YGA Business Forum
    3. YGA ADR Forum
    4. YGA Media Forum
    5. YGA Health Forum
    6. YGA Tech Forum
    7. YGA Climate Forum

2.2 YGA Projects

  1. Police Adliya Aur Awam
  2. AWAZ Fellowship
  • Women in Politics
  1. Youth Vote
  2. Shadow Cabinet
  3. Members Development Program (MDP)
  • Parliamentary Sessions
  1. Chapter 3: YGA Framework
    3.1 Purpose of the Framework
    3.2 Youth Policy Development and Monitoring
    3.3 Strategic Goals
    3.4 Core Components of the YGA Framework
    3.5 Research Innovation and Development
    3.6 Political Participation
    3.7 Civic Participation
    3.8 Law and Justice
    3.9 Employment and Skills Development
    3.10 Health and Well-being
    3.11 Equality and Inclusion
    3.12 Volunteerism and Tolerance
    3.13 Measuring Impact and Success
  2. Chapter 4: Code of Conduct
    4.1 Introduction and Scope
    4.2 Core Values of YGA
    4.3 General Standards of Conduct
    4.4 Ethical Standards and Responsibilities
    4.5 Conflict of Interest and Loyalty to YGA
    4.6 Confidentiality and Data Protection
    4.7 Prevention of Harassment, Discrimination, and Exploitation
    4.8 Use of YGA Resources and Intellectual Property
    4.9 Social Media and Public Communication Policy
    4.10 Event Conduct and Protocols
    4.11 Reporting Violations and Whistleblower Protection
    4.12 Disciplinary Procedures and Penalties
    4.13 Formation of the Disciplinary Committee
    4.14 Amendment Process
  3. Chapter 5: Chapter Policy
    5.1 Introduction to YGA Chapters
    5.2 Objectives of YGA Chapters
    5.3 Establishment of YGA Chapters
    5.4 Building a Strong Chapter Foundation
    5.5 Operations and Governance of YGA Chapters
    5.6 Chapter Reporting and Accountability
    5.7 Financial Management and Fundraising
    5.8 Membership in YGA Chapters
    5.9 Chapter Integration and Oversight by the Central Committee
    5.10 Chapter’s Role in the YGA Framework
  4. Chapter 6: Membership Agreement

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