A Medico-Legal Case can be characterized as an “instance of injury or disease, and so forth, in which Examinations by the law-implementing organizations are vital to fix the obligation in regards to theCausation of the injury or sickness”.
Medical legal reports are documents prepared by medical officer in response to a requisition of police officer. These reports are usually made in criminal cases. These reports have legal value in criminal cases. It is a clinical case with legitimate ramifications for going to specialist where subsequent to inspiring history and inspecting the patient, believes that some examination by policing is Fundamental. It is very well might be a lawful case requiring clinical mastery when brought by the police for assessment
The medical profession is a noble field that requires exceptional care and caution. However, complaints of negligence and medical malpractice are not uncommon. In Pakistan, the Law of Torts is invoked for civil remedies in medical malpractice cases. While medical professionals can also be tried under criminal liability, courts are generally reluctant to prosecute them under the Pakistan Penal Code, preferring to address such cases under civil liability.
Following Indian precedent, Pakistan has granted jurisdiction to Consumer Courts to handle such cases. However, including medical services under consumer protection laws is problematic. Additionally, there is inconsistency regarding compensation. Therefore, it is argued that a separate law should be formulated for medical malpractice, taking into account the specific needs and current practices of legal and healthcare systems.